Just got this strap yesterday... Opened it up and I was very impressed with the quality, stitching and length of the strap. As luck would have it, today I needed to use it. This strap is a BEAST! I didn't want to like it because I'm old school and it was the 4" flat and not the older round version. But au contraire was I wrong. This strap stows in a small roll wrap that fits easily under my truck seat. You roll it up, cinch it together with a velcro tie strip to keep it from unwinding and place it in a draw-string bag, and oh yeah, the bag and velcro tie strip is provided to you with your purchase. I only wish I would have recorded what I put it through today to show how awesome this tow strap is... It has these boot covers at both ends that helps prevent chaffing, I can tell you for a fact they work! If your looking to buy a good Tow Strap, buy this one. I promise you, you're not going to regret it.